WWF Programul Dunare Carpati Romania

Short name: WWF RO

Country: ROMANIA

Type of organisation: NGO


WWF Romania is the leading biodiversity conservation organisation in Romania and a key player for the identification and management of ecological corridors not only in Romania but also in the Carpathian Ecoregion, through its active involvement in the implementation of the Carpathian Convention’s Biodiversity and Transport Protocols, in IUCN Connectivity Specialist Group, IENE, etc.
The identification of ecological corridors by our organisation dates back in 2012 when we identified the 1st network of ecological corridors in Romania, namely in the Maramures transboundary area (between Romania and Ukraine). Concrete data was collected from the field by using sound techniques and involving key stakeholders including hunters, protected area managers, institutions responsible for the management and/or protection of natural resources, etc.
The work of our organisation related to ecological corridors continued in the South-Western Carpathians in Romania, where a methodology was developed for the identification of both wilderness and ecological corridors. Favourable habitats and ecological corridors have been identified for large carnivores and other key species in and between 6 large protected areas (4 national parks, 1 nature park and 1 Natura 2000 site) and other smaller Natura 2000 sites (covering over 600,000 ha).
Since then we contributed to the implementation of the DTP TRANSGREEN transnational project and currently, we are implementing the ConnectGREEN transnational project, a flagship initiative in Europe concerning the identification and preservation of ecological corridors.
Since 2011 we are actively involved in the development of sustainable transport infrastructures in Romania and the Carpathian Ecoregion, by identifying ecological corridors, providing targeted solutions and mitigation measures, developing cross-sectorial measures for preserving ecological corridors, in a participatory meaner with key stakeholders including ministries, universities and research institutes, local authorities, protected area managers, NGOs, etc.
WWF Romania is highly experiences in developing and proposing concrete policy actions from local to national, regional and EU level in order to improve green infrastructure. Besides, our communication competencies acquired in the last 14 years in Romania make us highly experienced in effectively communicating the importance of biodiversity conservation, including of ecological connectivity and green infrastructure.

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