Short name: NATURALIA

Country: France

Type of organisation:

Founded in 1998 in Avignon (France), Naturalia-Environnement is an independent consulting agency in ecology and engineering for all terrestrial and aquatic natural environments. As a major player in biodiversity impact assessment studies within the current regulatory framework, we help clients from the public or the private sector with any development project or plan in different domains (Linear transport infrastructures, Renewable energy, Land use planning, Urban ecology…).

The company today includes about 60 staff members, with a large majority of ecologists (master degrees, doctors). The agency gathers biodiversity experts in all taxonomic groups for terrestrial as well as aquatic compartments (flora, birds, mammals, chiroptera, reptiles, amphibians, insects, fishes and molluscs) and in terrestrial habitats (wetlands & aquatic habitat, agricultural land, woodland, urban…). Naturalia-Evt have, in transversality, a Research, Development and Innovation department and a GIS department.

Deeply concerned by the environmental issues affecting our society today, especially in regards to biodiversity erosion, our multidisciplinary team in ecology, biodiversity, governance and in public policy help stakeholders in environmental issues (biodiversity conservation, NBS, novel technology…)

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