

1.3. Data Management Plan


1.5. Data Management Plan

This deliverable contains an outline of the types of data the project will collect.


2.1. Data Management Plan

Communication and Dissemination Plan


2.3. Stakeholders engagements

This report presents an in-depth analysis of stakeholder engagement in the BISON project.


2.6. Capacity building platform

The e-learning platform is an open-access tool for all interested parties to access courses related to capacity building in transport infrastructure and biodiversity.


3.1. Principles and criteria to select good practice

This report identifies and describes current good practice in integrating biodiversity into existing and future transport infrastructure


3.2. Identification of Best Practices and Gaps and Barriers to expand replicability and application of good and best practices to mainstream biodiversity and transport.

This report presents the methodology and the process used in the BISON project to compile and identify Best Practices among those currently implemented and to evaluate and weigh all gaps and barriers to the expansion and replication of these practices.


3.3. Online handbook ‘Good practice for mainstreaming biodiversity on transport’

“Biodiversity and Infrastructure. A Handbook for action” offers clear guidance for the planning, design, and maintenance of biodiversity-friendly infrastructure in line with global policies.


3.4. Report on emerging trends and future challenges

This report explores selected recognized trends and anticipated changes in transportation, technology, climate, natural and human environment and discusses the challenges and opportunities for mainstreaming biodiversity in the transport sector.


3.5. Report on Application of BIM and other Tools to Standardise Data Record and Management

How to integrate the protection of biodiversity at the heart of development and management processes of buildings and infrastructures? This Report invites to converge digital tools for ecology and those for construction.


4.1. Research and innovation needs expressed by stakeholders

In order to develop a Strategic Research Agenda (SRA) for biodiversity-friendly transport infrastructure, stakeholders’ expectations and proposals have been gathered in this report.


4.2. Strategic Research Agenda

This deliverable promotes multidisciplinary research to understand the interactions between transport infrastructure and biodiversity, offering measures to enhance European research efforts in alignment with global biodiversity goals.


5.1. Assessing and enhancing the mainstreaming of Green and Grey infrastructure in EU member States

Status of national policy, legislation and implementation tools and recommendations for the integration of the European GIS into transport infrastructure development.


5.2. Recommendations for policy strategy harmonization

D5.2 aims at exploring the policy/strategy alignment and implementation maturity in reconciliation with the European Union (EU) Strategy for Green Infrastructure (SGI) for ensuring ecological connectivity in infrastructure development, and providing recommendations for further harmonization.


5.3. Development and use of the European Defragmentation Map

The European defragmentation map provides a preliminary indication of where defragmentation measures in the existing transport infrastructure should be considered from a European perspective.


5.4. Effective transport infrastructure life cycle tools

Effective transport infrastructure life cycle tools, processes and
implementation barriers for Green and Grey Infrastructure and
recommendations for adaptations and deployment to different transport
modes and / or regional clusters.


5.5. Allocation of innovative solutions to future scenarios

BISON scenarios explore the link between biodiversity, ecosystem services, and transport infrastructure, helping anticipate future developments.


5.6. EU funding opportunities and proposals for cross–sectoral topics

This deliverable maps several funding instruments that can fund at least some aspects of the assessment, monitoring and reduction of the impact of transport infrastructure on biodiversity.


Recommendations for policy:strategy

This deliverable examines how national policies and strategies align with the EU’s Green Infrastructure Strategy to ensure ecological connectivity.



The SRDA delves into the governance and strategy for transformative change and proposes operational implementation, specifically targeting sustainability objectives throughout the infrastructure lifecycle.

European Union flagThis project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 101006661.

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