Federal Department for the Environment, Transport, Energy and Communications

Short name: FDETEC

Country: Switzerland

Type of organisation: govermental


The Federal Roads Office (FEDRO) was established in 1998 as Switzerland’s federal authority responsible for road infrastructure and private road transport.
It belongs to the Federal Department for the Environment, Transport, Energy and Communications (FDETEC), and focuses on securing sustainable and safe mobility on the country’s roads. Its principal objective is to secure the functionality of Switzerland’s motorways and main roads, and to accomplish this it has defined the following priorities:
• To secure integration into the trans-European road network
• To review the existing network structure and adapt it where necessary
• Development and implementation of construction projects in accordance with the principle of sustainability
• To constantly evaluate weak points in the existing motorway network
• To secure the necessary degree of operational maintenance
• To reduce the burden on the environment attributable to road transport
• To enhance road safety and define a consistent road safety policy
• To ensure that Switzerland’s road traffic legislation is kept up to date
• Management of the road traffic database for the whole of Switzerland
The Swiss Federal Roads Office works closely together with cantonal, national and international partners, and formulates principles and prepares decisions for a sustainable federal road transport policy. It also draws up, supports, coordinates and monitors suitable measures at the national and international levels.

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